Thursday, March 15, 2012

8 Excellent Twitter Analytics Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams

1. Twitalyzer - Provides analysis of Twitter users' activities based on social media success. Its metrics include (A) Influence score - popularity, (B) signal-to-noise ratio, (C) the user's likelihood of ‘retweeting' or passing along others' tweets, (D) velocity - the rate of updates and (E) clout - based on how many times the user is cited in other tweets. 

2. Microplaza - Makes sense of Twitter streams by organizing links shared by those you (or your client) follow, and displays them separately as a new stream. 

3. Twist - Offers trending keywords and product names based on what people tweet about. You can see the frequency of keywords or product names mentioned over a week or a month - all displayed in graphs. You can also view the graph to see all tweets posted at a specific time.

4.Twitturly - Tracks popular URLs on twitter. This Digg-style interface displays the 100 most popular URLs shared on Twitter over the last 24 hours.

5.Tweetstat - Reveals the tweeting behavior of all users and consolidates/collates Twitter activity data for presentation in colorful graphs.

6. Twitterfriends  Focuses on conversation and information contained of Twitter users. Two key metrics are Conversational Quotient (CQ) and Links Quotient (LQ). CQ measures how many tweets are replies to other tweets while LQ measures how many tweets contain links.

7. Thummit Quickrate - Offers sentiments analysis, based on conversations on Twitter. It also identifies the latest buzzwords, actors, movies, brands, products etc.

8. Tweeteffect Matches the tweet timeline with gain/loss of followers timelines to determine which tweets gain or lose followers.

For more information on social media, check out this website: ttp://

Racer Pride!
Lindsey & Cory

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