Friday, April 6, 2012

What's new with YouTube Analytics?

YouTube Analytics generates reports using the same types of data that we're used to gaining through Google Analytics or Facebook Insights - only based on YouTube user results. The data is now available in a more useful and interactive format.

1) In the upgraded version, all reports are unified by a Data Filter, the key tool displayed at the top of each report. The Data Filter allows you to filter by ContentGeography and Date.
  • Click the Content search bar to search or browse for specific videos, and view data for any of your videos.
  • Click the Geography search bar to search for particular regions or choose from one of the Suggested locations in the drop down list.
  • Click the Date range to choose from one of several suggested ranges or enter a custom date range.
2) Most reports default to a Line Chart which captures the distribution of a metric over a specified date range, with the following options:
  • Date granularity: charts can be displayed with data points in daily, weekly or monthly increments.
  • Compare metrics: select a second metric for comparison to be displayed on the same graph. For example, you can chart Views next to Unique Viewers.
3) Interactive Map, which captures the geographic distribution of the metric reported over the specified date range.
  • Hover your mouse icon over a country to see the data specific to its users/viewers. The distribution is also visually indicated by the darkness of the shading in the particular country. 

4) Download report allows you to download your data in the report displayed rather than "all data." Even changing the parameters in the "View by" button affects what data you choose to download.
5) Sharing Reporprovides a summary of how many times your content has been shared via the Share button on YouTube, and what sites viewers are using to share your videos (Facebook, Tumblr and Blogger)
6) Demographics Report helps you understand the age range and gender distribution of your audience. 
  • You can adjust the date range and geographic region to see how the breakdown of your audience varies. 
  • You can view this data in both interactive graphs and the chart at the bottom with numerical data.
Be Analytical!

Lindsey & Cory
Lindsey Inman

Cory Blakey

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