Thursday, April 26, 2012


Now that you have a basic understanding of how to tweet your way into the minds of an audience, it's time we find the sticks and rocks for your nest. (In Twitter-speak, that's when we successfully create a widespread presence on all our social networks.)

A number of people have created tools, called Twitter apps, to use twitter uniquely and  in conjunction with other websites. There are hundreds that exist, but we will share our top 5 apps to increase your fan base and develop a positive image among your followers.

1. Twitpic: Anyone will tell you that by far this is the most commonly used app. It  provides a platform for users to easily upload pictures to Twitter. Even citizen journalists often use this app to upload photos with stories that they are reporting on in real-time.

2.Tweetdeck: A desktop app that lets you lets you manage multiple Twitter accounts from one place. It is an organizational tool that helps your filter tweets, schedule tweets and stay updated with all your followers. This is a very useful tool for public relations professionals to manage their many clients' accounts in a more structured manner.

3. Twistori: This app gives you control of not only the present, but also the past. Twistori backs up all your previous tweets and allows you to organize them into a calender, such as  iCal or Google Calender. You can you archive an individual's tweets on a single calender, and also, a whole company's tweets too. For PR professionals this is a way to track growth and success and see the common trends at different points of a month or year.

4.  Monitter: Keeping track of specific keywords is an important job to better understand your publics and people in general. Monitter lets you search and watch several keywords at a time in a sleek columned layout with a pause button. It gives you the power to track topics in real time without the refresh button.

5. BubbleTweet: So, you've got pictures and your written words on Twitter, why not video? This app lets users record short videos and post them to their tweets in the form of a url. When users click the url, it takes them to the BubbleTweet website for them to view the video in a small bubble that pops up on the screen. This app is new and exclusive to Twitter. At the moment, you can only use it on your computer, but mobile uses are in progress.

In conclusion, there are so many ways to use Twitter, and the applications discussed here may assist you and help boost the creative ways you reach out to followers.

Until next time, sweet tweets! 

- Kathryn and Allyson-

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