Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Advice for College Students - Take Time for You!

By Abigail Goss and Tia Starr

Part One, "Reflections," Abigail's parting thoughts as the busy semester comes to a close... 
         I remember seeing a quote sometime during my freshman year. I can distinctly remember sitting in my dorm room, writing it down on a note card and taping it to my wall. It simply read:
         "You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time but you will remember the time you wasted hanging out with friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does."
         This really resonates with me now. When I read it as a freshman, I could not comprehend how fast four years would go by. When I read it again now, it sounds absolutely bittersweet. I have one year left. One year to waste time with my friends. One year to fully enjoy college, to enjoy being young, to enjoy my freedom. One year to make an impression. Just one year.
         So, to my little sister and every incoming college freshman, I say "please, enjoy every minute!"
         Take the lesson of my quote to heart; make great friends. Stay out late. Enjoy your four years. Most important, take your time. Take the time to find yourself. Take the time to make an impression. Take your time ...and enjoy every minute of it.

Best regards,
- Abigail
Part Two, "Accomplishments," Tia's revelations and parting words of wisdom...
           Going into my first year of college, I never thought much about what I was trying to accomplish in year one. I figured as soon as I stepped onto campus that I had became just another student trying to get by. I was another number. Little did I know that in that very first year I would actually separate myself from the pack.
          Real accomplishment seemed so far out of my reach then. I believed I had no shot at any type of special opportunity because there was always going to be someone better (translation: better than me). Of course, in  some cases, that was true. Still, in a seemingly seamless progression of days and weeks, as I took plenty of time to research and get involved in a couple of student organizations, everything changed. I found the "something" that allowed me to stand out.
          It all started when I decided to join MSU's chapter of the PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) and that was in my first month on campus. I didn't know it then, but I had taken my first step toward something much bigger.
          I started learning how to network, how to make real connections. I was also gaining knowledge, experience and confidence almost daily. I found myself working harder in my classes, and developing real opportunities - for myself. Through groups, classes and connections, I made some of the best friends of my life (yes, that includes Abigail).
            Because I worked hard and tested my skills outside of classwork, I landed an internship this summer with Cone Communications in Boston, Massachusetts, An Omnicom Group company. In hindsight, I now see how every step of my journey actually prepared me for my future and for this amazing opportunity. I "accomplished" more than I dreamed possible and I just completed my sophomore year in college.
              For any student, I cannot stress enough the importance of taking the time to research and learn on your own, to take advantage of every opportunity you can. Test your own limits. Push yourself. Yes, there will be some stressful experiences. Just remember that each situation makes you stronger. Take the time to expand your mind and your experiences. But, most important, take pride, and enjoy your results.

      Here's to a great summer!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Careers in Web Analytics

Analytics have become an important part of the marketing process and successfully doing business in the digital world. It is important to have someone in your company who can interpret metrics and data to learn what trends are helping the business excel (in the cyber world, at least). A career in analytics is now part of many professions. For those still in school or planning a new career, it's important to note that today's employers want to see this skill-set on resumes. Two examples of job titles which call for a proficiency in web analytics are: Analytics Engineer and Web Analyst.
A Web Analyst helps the business measure the effectiveness of its marketing effort and determine what needs to be changed in order to improve online strategies and tactics.  Here's a partial list are the responsibilities included in the job:
•Analyze traffic patterns

•Drive ROI improvements
•Improve website effectiveness
•Optimize page layouts
           Openings web analytics can be  found online by searching keywords. This new set of skills is in
high demand and should continue to grow as the Internet continues

to impact the way companies do businesses today. 

           Interested in learning more about careers in web analytics, visit this SITE!  

We hope you've learned as much as we did this semester!
Cory and Lindsey

4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have A Hobby

By Lizzy Fillback and Robin Ezell

        Throughout the semester, we've used this space to tell you about the importance of going to college, finding a job and becoming a better student. Our post this week is all about finding something that makes you a better-rounded (less stressed)  person. This week we're talking about hobbies!
           Having a hobby is a great way to maintain your healthy, balanced lifestyle. While brainstorming ideas about why you we have hobbies, we also came across another great blog post here HERE. This article helped us get better educated about the benefits of having a pastime or a passion outside of our vocations. 
Why Have A Hobby?
           You may be thinking to yourself, "Why should I have a hobby," or "I don't have time for a hobby!" But did you know that your hobby just might save your life? Whether you are in school, working or retired, you still need an interest, or passion, or hobby to keep you sane and keep your brain in tip-top shape.
              According to our source above, there are many ways a hobby can enhance the work ethic and help someone succeed in their chosen career. When a person places too much emphasis on only one aspect of their life - at the expense of others - difficulties tend to arise. An individual, dedicated to his/her professional career, can perform phenomenally at work temporarily. Single-mindedness can help us achieve our objectives. Still, behind the façade of success, one is also prone to suffering from poor health and having dysfunctional relationships with family members, and even lacking any real intimate or interpersonal relationships.

What It Is A Hobby?

               According to, a hobby is any activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.  Hobbies are credited to lower stress levels that are beneficial restorer in maintaining balance and harmony that maybe missing from your life. Hobbies can provide the outlet needed for our innate need to create. A hobby can uncover and nurture talents you didn't even know you had.
Four Steps For Choosing A Hobby
  1. The first step is brainstorming. Brainstorm about what you like to do as a past time and think about what you are good at.
    Such as cooking, sewing, bead making, woodworking, painting, drawing, and crafting gifs, sculpting, playing sports such as golf or basketball and photography.
  2.  The second step is  choosing a hobby is to pursue a pastime. These can be things such as a craft, club or association with people who have similar interests. By doing this you will broaden your social life with people who share a common interest in order to swap tips and stories about their passions in life.
  3.  Once you narrow down your favorite past time the third step is easy. The step allows you to turn your favoite past time into a hobby. One can do this by discovering your inner talents.  By completing this step you and others around you will begin to notice a change in your behavior. This change will reduce of stress levels. When your mind is fully engaged in your hobby, the trials and tribulations of life in our fast-paced society have to take a backseat for a while. By the time you return to your life, all those problems and challenges don't seem quite so overwhelming and you find that you can handle them more effectively.
  4. The last step will increase your overall health. A hobby will increase a sense of competence and accomplishment. By completing a hobby, your body is able to decrease stress levels, boost your confidence and are able to spend more time creating than thinking about your hard day at work or school. If your hobby involves creating something, there is also the satisfaction of making something special for someone special. A hand-made gift says to the recipient, in no too uncertain terms, that you care. You cared enough to take the time and make the effort to create something truly unique for them and them alone. That gesture says more than any expensive, store-bought ever could.
Hopefully, you've already got a favorite pastime. If not, there is a great wide world of choices out there. Start experimenting until you find your bliss.
Love in PR,

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Find Great Reviews at TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor is a website that assists customers in gathering travel information, posting reviews and opinions of travel-related content, and engaging in interactive travel forums. The website services are free to users, which provide most of the content, and the website is supported by an advertising business model.
TripAdvisor has extended its brand exposure to millions of people through popular third-party social networking sites, including Facebook. TripAdvisor-branded sites make up the most popular and largest travel social site in the world with more than 50 million unique monthly visitors, 20 million members and over 60 million reviews and opinions. 

Here are a few of the key features at TripAdvisor that help you understand this website and plan a wonderful trip:
  • Instant Personalization – This feature allows travelers to get advice and recommendations from their Facebook friends on TripAdvisor to plan their next vacation. 
  • Reviews at a Glance – This feature summarizes the most common review phrases, such as “great location” and “free Internet.” It allows consumers to get a quick snapshot of the overall traveler sentiment without having to read through dozens of reviews.
  • Mobile City Guides – This feature offers smartphone access to a wealth of detailed information including traveler reviews and opinions on hotels, restaurants and attractions, as well as suggested itineraries and offline-accessible interactive walking tours. 
  • Vacation Rental Calculator – This feature gives travelers an easy way to compare their accommodation options, allowing them to calculate the potential savings of a vacation rental home compared to the cost of a hotel in a destination based on the number of adults and children in their travel group, the number of nights they’ll be staying, and whether they plan to eat in or dine out.
  • Flights with Fees Estimator – This feature offers travelers a large inventory of flights with the best deals available and a fees estimator that calculates the entire cost of a flight, including ticket price, fees for checked luggage and even in-flight food service and entertainment based on the traveler’s needs. 
          Safe travels, fellow bloggers!
          Until next time..

         ~Abby & Meng

On Writing Awesome Press Releases for the Music Industry

Over the last several months, Lauren and I, as new public relation practitioners, have been offering our readers tips on social media outlets that work best for promoting bands and musical groups. In this final post, we want to review just how you write a great press (or news) release for this industry. The press release is the “gold standard” in PR writing. It’s the best and most often used tool for getting a message out there.
            So how do you start a release for a band? First, you MUST follow the same formatting as for any standard press release. The rules for writing for public relations promise that if the format is not followed, the story is sure to go right into the trash before it can be read. Second, make sure that whatever "angle" you’re going for is newsworthy and can catch the attention of the media gatekeeper - and readers. No one will read past the lead if it does not garner attention.
           If this sounds familiar, you're correct in assuming that these tips work for any release regardless of industry or topic. What's so different? You must interview the band or artist and get all of the information you can gather from them. You want to know most importantly the name of the band, the names of the members, what kind of music do they play and the date and time of their next show. You want to make sure you double or even triple check this information and the spelling of the names. Yourself as a writer and the publication that runs your story will lose credit faster than you can blink if there are misspellings or incorrect information in your press release.
            It’s really not that hard to write a press release concerning a band, you just have to find the right angle you want to incorporate into your story. You also want to make sure that the angle is something that readers want to know about, something compelling, interesting and will grab the reader’s attention. With press releases for bands you can also be slightly more laid back in what you write about because the music industry is more laid back than say if you’re writing a press release about St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. The information in those press releases are extremely serious and not to be taken lightly in any way shape or form. With music it’s about having fun, things are not as stuffy and 100% by the book. Just keep in mind these few tips for writing the press release for a band or artist and you will do just fine.
              If you still have questions about writing a press release for a band or artist check out this great article at eHow.
              Keep on Rockin',             Lauren and Brittany

Saturday, April 28, 2012

BlogFriendly PR

As we all know, blogs and review sites are considered the new trend in brand marketing.

BlogFriendlyPR was created to connect PR practitioners and review bloggers. On this website, PR practitioners will find a list of dedicated review bloggers. The review writers work with PR practitioners to promote a business or a product.

BlogFriendlyPR is looking to build a list of PR practitioners, business owners, journalists and others who acknowledge the importance of review blogs. The review bloggers demonstrate to their clients the power of social media and to together they will create:

  • Blog Ambassador Programs
  • Reviews and Giveaways
  • Ad Sales
  • Share a Press Release
  • Share a Pitch
  • Hire a Blogger
  • Twitter Parties

As a PR practitioner, you must be up-to-date with ongoing trends. The power of social media has became very important. More and more consumers are turning toward online social media to read product and business reviews and/or which product they should buy. Companies must move to the digital age... NOW!

~Until next time,

Abby & Meng

Friday, April 27, 2012

LinkedIn: The Best Social Media Option

Across the Web, there are a handful of social media networks being used for various activities such as entertainment, networking and job opportunities. LinkedIn is worth your attention for these three reasons.

Networking: LinkedIn has become the most popular social media site for networking. In 2011, it has surpassed Twitter and Facebook, because it is the central place to build your business.

Usage: LinkedIn is used in every different level of business positions. For example, top-level executives use it for industry job networking, hiring and promoting their business. Middle management uses it for keeping in touch, industry networking and co-worker networking. Finally, entry-level positions generally use it for job search, co-worker networking and industry networking. If you are in a business, LinkedIn is a vital resource to develop your brand and search for potential future employers. 

Active Business Groups: No matter what your business is, there will be a group dedicated for your industry on LinkedIn. These groups will help to promote your business, build a list of contacts and increase your credibility in the industry.

As you can see, LinkedIn has made a huge impact on social media by providing professional networking, numerous job opportunities and establishing connections between businesses

Stay connected,


Thursday, April 26, 2012


Now that you have a basic understanding of how to tweet your way into the minds of an audience, it's time we find the sticks and rocks for your nest. (In Twitter-speak, that's when we successfully create a widespread presence on all our social networks.)

A number of people have created tools, called Twitter apps, to use twitter uniquely and  in conjunction with other websites. There are hundreds that exist, but we will share our top 5 apps to increase your fan base and develop a positive image among your followers.

1. Twitpic: Anyone will tell you that by far this is the most commonly used app. It  provides a platform for users to easily upload pictures to Twitter. Even citizen journalists often use this app to upload photos with stories that they are reporting on in real-time.

2.Tweetdeck: A desktop app that lets you lets you manage multiple Twitter accounts from one place. It is an organizational tool that helps your filter tweets, schedule tweets and stay updated with all your followers. This is a very useful tool for public relations professionals to manage their many clients' accounts in a more structured manner.

3. Twistori: This app gives you control of not only the present, but also the past. Twistori backs up all your previous tweets and allows you to organize them into a calender, such as  iCal or Google Calender. You can you archive an individual's tweets on a single calender, and also, a whole company's tweets too. For PR professionals this is a way to track growth and success and see the common trends at different points of a month or year.

4.  Monitter: Keeping track of specific keywords is an important job to better understand your publics and people in general. Monitter lets you search and watch several keywords at a time in a sleek columned layout with a pause button. It gives you the power to track topics in real time without the refresh button.

5. BubbleTweet: So, you've got pictures and your written words on Twitter, why not video? This app lets users record short videos and post them to their tweets in the form of a url. When users click the url, it takes them to the BubbleTweet website for them to view the video in a small bubble that pops up on the screen. This app is new and exclusive to Twitter. At the moment, you can only use it on your computer, but mobile uses are in progress.

In conclusion, there are so many ways to use Twitter, and the applications discussed here may assist you and help boost the creative ways you reach out to followers.

Until next time, sweet tweets! 

- Kathryn and Allyson-

Monday, April 23, 2012

Life Advice - Wear Sunscreen

Three weeks. We have three weeks left in college.

Although for many, finals week is the most challenging, I think my writing partner (Robin Ezell) and I can agree that this week will be most difficult for us. It is our last week as active members of our sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. ASA has provided us with some of our best college experiences and memories. The sorority has developed us into the women we are today. It will be so very difficult to say goodbye.

So, this week we would like to share a YouTube video with you, our amazing reader. The video is for the song, "The Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann. Its lyrics come from an essay "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young," by columnist Mary Schmich. It first appeared in 1997 in the Chicago Sunday Tribune.

The song is inspirational and contains great advice for all of us, no matter our age or stage in life. It's a bit long but we encourage you to watch the entire video. Be moved!

Love in PR,

Lizzy & Robin

8 Great Tips for Interns

8 Great Tips for Interns

1. Come to work prepared. 
Before you set our your suit the night before, prepare a binder full of examples and previous work you have done in school. Give yourself examples of blog posts, press releases and other forms of media that will become useful when you are stuck. If anything, the work in the binder will give you a boost of confidence knowing you capable of getting things done right.

2. Khakis and a polo do not qualify for a suit.
OK, so none of you would actually wear khakis and a polo to work. But keep in mind that anything other than a suit is not appropriate unless your employers have otherwise told you so. Looking professional will make you feel professional and will encourage you to demonstrate your best work ethic. Even if you decide to wear those black pants and button up, bringing a jacket will do nothing short of keeping you prepared. You never know who you will be meeting that day you decide to dress down.

3. Ask for more work.
Do this only if you can tolerate it. If you still have a PR plan and 3 press releases to finish by the end of the day, this might not be the best idea. When you can, just send an email to your supervisor or coworkers and ask them if they need someone to post on the company blog or if they have any other work that they would like assistance. Your coworkers will appreciate the help and will remember it later on when it is the end of the day and you are overwhelmed. 

4. Be open to criticism. 
We are not perfect by any means. You may think you write awesome press releases, but when the supervisor returns it with critical comments, take the time to read and fix them. When you take the criticism to heart, you will remember how to fix it before you hand the next press release in. Just remind yourself not to take the criticism personally. They are just tips on how to improve your work.

5. Eat lunch with your coworkers. 
There may be days when you want to get out by yourself, but take the time to invite your coworkers on occasion. Keep in mind that in this industry, it is important to make relationships and network. You don't have to be best friends with everyone, but getting to know people outside the office environment will help you better understand what they are about. Plus, taking a break is necessary. Why not do it with people who can give you advice and share stories about what you are interested in?

6. Try not to make the same mistake twice.
When you are surrounded by people who have been in the business for years, they have their own way of doing things. They may be stressed out some days and impatient. When they are telling you to fix the same mistakes, they may get short with you. Just remember that this is a stressful industry and don't take their frustrations to heart. You are still learning. Take notes and keep copies of corrected work so you can reference it later on. 

7. Get a Mentor.
Use your coworkers as mentors. Develop relationships with them that will become helpful later on and look up to them. Find someone who you can look to for advice and that can help you when you need it. Maybe someone stood out during your lunch date that you could see yourself keeping in touch with long after the internship.

8. Find out ways to help your place of work.
Once you have settled in and have a better idea of what your projects will be, figure out ways to help your organization. For example, start a blog. Contribute to social media efforts by posting updates on social media channels. Helping your place of work will be appreciated and gain experience. 

Taking the time to do your work efficiently and gain experience will benefit your overall relationship with the company. Never forget your primary reason for taking the internship, to learn more about the overall industry.

Tia and Abigail

Click here for the PR Daily article.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mistakes Journalists Make

Common Mistakes among the Journalistic World

          As journalists, we are constantly checking social media, our phone and other devices in which we take part in. Our social life and professional life can sometimes be a blur. This is where we need to remember to be responsible and careful about the pictures and messages we post.
          Eleven percent of "sext" messages are accidentally sent to the wrong person, according to a British study. "Sexting" is the act of sending an X-rated message to another person over text messaging. While this is rarely ever a good idea, if done, this can easily be put in the wrong hands. Even if you send the message and delete it on your phone afterward, the information can end up on the Internet.
          Other activity that triggers a big no is checking out inappropriate information on the job. What you do at home is none of our business, however, even if you delete your history on the computer at work, you could possibly still be caught. 

"In a case from Australia, a government employee was terminated after he Googled the word "knockers" on his company laptop, at home. Being naive, that term seems rather innocuous to me, but it turns out that this has nothing to do with hardware for your front door. (Please don't google this word. I don't want any of my readers to get in trouble with their jobs.)

Despite the fact the man deleted his browser history, the computer he used, a work-provided laptop, had the program Spector360 installed. That programs takes "snapshots" of a user's Internet and desktop activity every 30 seconds.

Leave all "private" moments to your private computer. Just because your boss isn't standing over you doesn't mean he doesn't know what you're doing. Companies can and do monitor computer usage, not just usage on the company servers."

      Yes, you should have a life beyond the desk. And yes, you should have a healthy relationship with your significant other. However, be aware of the effects that can occur through a simple click of a button. Think before you hit "send". Think before you post something inappropriate on a social media site and never forget the image of what could happen in the worse case scenario. 

Take time to ask yourself one simple question; How would my boss feel if he or she seen this?

Tia and Abigail

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Manage Complaining Customers and Negative Word of Mouth

Complaining occurs when consumers actively seek out someone to share an opinion regarding a negative experience. Generally, when we think of dissatisfied consumers, we are reminded of complainers. However, not all customers report dissatisfied consumption. In fact, only 17% healthcare consumers complain upon experiencing some problems with the  service they are receiving. A recent survey among restaurant consumers suggests that no more than 5% of consumers with a problem complain. 

Is a complainer a considered a negative customer for a company? The answer is no. In reverse, complainers are valuable sources of feedback about potential problems in service quality, product performance or system malfunction. When a consumer complains, the marketer has the chance to rectify the negative situation. A consumer that sulks away also takes away the valuable information with him or her. The complainers are more likely to become satisfied consumers and return into the business again. 

Negative word-of-mouth takes place when customers pass on negative information about a company from one to another. WOM is powerful because of high source credibility. Negative word of mouth happens to every company. Nobody is immune, but great brands have a plan that helps them convert a lot of the angry critics into happy fans. 

What you should do: 

1. Act quickly
When a customer is upset, you need to act fast. A quick response (even if it's just to say, "I'm sorry, I hear you -- let me get back to you") helps soothe the original critic and also helps avoid an outbreak of more negative sentiment from others. It's common sense, but it's also been proven in studies. In one experiment, when a single table complained about food in a crowded restaurant, 26% of guests made similar complaints. 
2. Be human
A canned response is worse than no response at all. Identify yourself, speak like a real person, and give them a way to follow-up with you. No frustrated customer has ever been won over with corporate jargin, and there's no reason to expect it to start working anytime soon. 
3. Write for the record
When you're responding -- especially in online forums -- remember that you're not just writing for the original critic, but for everyone else who reads it later. You want people to see that you tried to make things right. Even if you can't fix the problem, it's important to show that you're listening and that you care about keeping customers happy. 
Today is easier than ever to make complains publicly. Here are some websites you may want to
check out:

Until next time!
~Abby and Meng

4 Easy Ways to Track Traffic from Pinterest

Pinterest is a fast growing social media site that brings people together across the country, using things they have in common.

1. Referral reports- Easiest way to track how many visits are coming to your site from Pinterest. Go to Traffic Sources > Sources > Referrals report.

2. Custom Reports-  Custom reports let you mash up just the specific information you want to see.

3. Dashboards- For tracking Pinterest, there are several key areas to monitor – daily visits from Pinterest, how many of those visits are from mobile devices, how long they stay and how many pages they look at, what’s your most popular content.

4. Multi-Channel Funnels- To get a more complete picture of how many conversions can be fully  attributed to Pinterest, we can look at the Multi-Channel Funnels reports in Google Analtyics. First, take a look at the Assisted Conversions report. SelectSource/Medium as the primary dimension, and filter for pinterest ). This will tell you how many times Pinterest assisted with a conversion (it wasn’t the last source before a conversion) and how many times it was the last source before a conversion.

Stay Analytical Murray State
Lindsey & Cory

Get LinkedIn with a job

People are getting job offers everyday through LinkedIn. The hard part is where do you start? Here are a few helpful tips to get you on the right track for the opportunity with a future employer:
  • Search companies who are hiring in your area: If you are looking to stay close to home or have a particular area you would like to relocate to, do an advanced search for companies hiring with your specific skills. For example if you are experienced in Photoshop, do a search with the area code for companies looking for that particular skill.
  • Become acquainted with the hiring manager: It is important to connect with the proper people who can get you a job. The hiring manager is someone that you need to build a positive relationship with and analyze their profile for future references during an interview. This will show that you truly care about the company and your future position.
  • NETWORKING: We cannot stress the importance of networking enough; who you know can go a long way. For example, one person who you are associated with can help you build connections with different companies or individuals. And you never know, that connection may provide a future job opportunity for you.
There are plenty of ways to make you more desirable to future employers: recommendations, current profile and showing your expertise in the Q&A boards. By being active on LinkedIn, you have a better chance of being recognized by future employers. SO stay involved and check this link out!

Stay Connected,
