This week, we will take you on a journey through the wonderful world of hash-tagging. But, what is a hash-tag, you say?
A hash-tag is the number (#) symbol used to in front of or within a social media post in order to mark keywords or topics in a tweet. They help your tweets stand out according to their content so people can readily search for different topics and products. When you click on a hash-tag, you can see all other tweets about the same topic. For business professionals, this can be an effective tool to generate buzz and bring in potential customers by making a # for a company name or specific product.
Once a hash-tag becomes popular, it can land on the Trending Topics list. This is a list that Twitter uses to show what people are tweeting about worldwide, within a country, state or even city. Trending Topics can be seen on every Twitter homepage.
Don't miss our post next week: #140charactersorless
- Allyson & Kathryn
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